Welcome to Ramkrishna Paramhansa College,Osmanabad

Course Outcome

Course outcome Subject zoology
B.Sc. I –Year
Paper: I
Co.1. To introduce animal kingdom (Invertebrate)
Co.2. To understand general characters of protozoa and different 
            protozoan parasitic diseases.
Co.3.To understand the cell types and canal systems in sycon
Co.4. knowledge about the species  of colentrates and polymorphism in 
Co.5. To understand general characters of helminths and different 
           Helmintic parasitic diseases.
Co.6. knowledge about General characters Annelida, Morphology, Digestive,   
          Excretory & Reproductive systems of leech.
Paper II- cell Biology
Co.1. General character and structure of prokaryotic and eukaryatic cell.
Co.2. To understand structure of various cell organelles and types of cancer.
Co.3. To understand use of various Instraments in the methods of cellbilogy.

Paper: IV


Co.1. To Introduce  General characters of Arthropoda and Structure, Digestive,  
          Nervous, Respiratory & Reproductive systems in Prawns and Cockroach.
Co.2. knowledge about  Mollusca and different  systems in Pila
Co.3. knowledge about general characters Echinodermata and introduction to 
Co.4. Knoweldge about General characters and Classification of Protochordata.

Paper V – Genetics – I

Co.1. To understand various elements of heredity and variation and Mendels laws in short.

Co.2. To provide knowledge about Epitasis, supplementary gene and complementary gene.

Co.3. To understand about Multiple Alleles like coat colour in rabbit and blood group in Man.

Co.4. To understand about cytoplasmic inheritance in Snail, Drosophila and paramecium.

Co.5. Knowledge about sex determination in man, Drosophila and Matatio

Three Theory Period per paper per week per semester

Three Practical period perweek per batch

                                        VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY
Co.1. To Introduce  Out line classification, general characters and affinities of  
Co.2. To understand classification and general charactersof pisces and its 
         example Scoliodon study with different systems.
Co.3. Knowledge about classification and general characters, Amphibia,
          Development of frog, Neotony ,Parental care in amphibia.
Co.4. To understand Reptilia out line classification and general characters,  
         Poisonous and non- poisonous snakes and Calotes study.
Co.5. Knowledge about Aves Out line classification and general characters,  
          Embryology of chick, Flight adaptation,Migration, Columba livia study.
 Co.6. To provide Knowledge about  Mammalia  Out line classification and  
          general characters, Different systems in Ratus ratus,Placentation in  
Paper VIII – Genetics – II
Co.1. Knowledge about gene and its expression, transcription translation and genetic code.
Co.2. To understand population genetics, gene pool, gene frequency, Herdy Weinberg law.
Co.3. Knowledge about human chromosome, sexlinked inheritance, Metabolis, PKU and some genetic disorder .
Co.4. Knowledge about Microbial genetics like transformation conjugation and transduction.
Co.5. To understand Gentic Engineering and its application.
 Co.1. To understand brief  Introduction  of physiology of Digestion.
 Co.2. To understand  physiology of Respiration.
 Co.3. Knowledge about physiology of Circulation
 Co.4. Knowledge about physiology of Excretion.
 Co.5. Knowledge about Nerve Physiology, structure and synapse.
 Co.6. To provide Knowledge about Muscles Physiology.
 Co.7. To provide Knowledge about Reproductive Physiology.
Paper XII   Biochemistry and Endocrinology
Co.1. Knowledge about Enzyme nomenclature, mechanism of enzyme action and Factor affecting enzyme action.
Co.2. To provide knowledge about classification and metabolism of carbohydrates.

Co.3. Knowledge about classification of protein and Lipid and its metabolism.
Co.4. To understand the vitamin, source and deficiency.
Co.5. To understand the various endocrine glands like pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal gland and pancrease.
Three Theory Period per paper per week per semester
Six Practical period per week per batch

Paper –XVII

 Co.1To introduce what is ecology? It’s terms which are plays an 
        important role in  success of ecosystem
     Co.2. To understand abiotic (non living factors)factors present in 
             ecosystems and their effects on animals as well as on plants. 
Co.3. Distinguish the following terms that is biotic factors and  
         Describe species Interactions. 
Co.4 To Distinguish between Species, populations, communities, 
         ecosystems  and  biomes
Co.5 Describe Succession in a community,community structre and    
Co.6. To  understand Ecosytems.

Paper XVIII – Parasitic protozoa and Helminthes-I
Co.1. Knowledge about parasite, host, parasitism and types of parasite and its host parasite relationship.
Co.2. Knowledge about classification of pasrasite.
Co.3. To understand the structure life cycle, pathogenecity and control measure of the following.  
Entamoeba coli
          Entamoeba gingivalis
          Giarida Intestinalis
          Trichomonas vaginalis
          Trypanosoma Gambience
          Balantidium coli
          Plasmodium vivax
          Plasmodium falciparum
          Plasmodium ovale
          Plasmodium mealariae
          Eimeria tenella

Paper – XXI


     Co.1. To introduce the  organic evolution and their theories
     Co.2. Description of  origin of life and introduction to chemical evolution       
     Co.3. To introduce or describe the evidences of organic evolution
     Co.4. Describe the key components of natural selection.
     Co.5. Describe Elementary forces of evolution on genetics base changes . 
      Co.6. Describe evidence from microevolution and macroevolution that  
              supports the theory of  evolution.
     Co.7.To understand species ,speciation and their types of speciation
Co.8. To describe fossile and types of fossiles.       

Paper XXII – Parasitic protozoa and Helminthes-II

Co.1. Knowledge about general character and classification of helminthes.

Co.2. To understand the stracture life cycle, pathogenecity and controal measure of the following.
          Schistoma haematobium
          Taenia saginata
          Echinococcus granulossus
          Trichinella spiralis
          Enterobius Vermicularis
          Ancylostoma duodenale
          Wachereria bancroftill
          Dracunculus medinesis.

Co.3. To understand the gross morphology, reproductive organ and body wall of trematode, cestodes and Nematodes.

Three Theory Period per paper per week per semester

Six Practical periods per week per batch
